Tending bar Maintaining the facility Painting the new building Selling tickets









The COVID Blues

After the last several workdays, we have had a noticeable drop in participation. And in general we have fewer volunteers picking up the slack. A lot of people got used to staying away from social situations and aren’t motivated to change. The Elks Needs you. We are both a social and charitable organization. And that requires members to utilize the lodge and chip in to help. For those that think paying your dues is sufficient, your solemn and binding obligation committed each member to chip in. I will cover some financial opportunities in a later article. But for this article, I will point out some opportunities to chip in your time.

  1. Tiki tenders – We need some people to fill in both on Day shift, evenings and Weekends. Retired guys and gals running the register isn’t that hard. Consider taking a day shift. For others there are plenty of opportunities. Contact Denise Heilman  or sign up in lounge, and have a beer while you’re at it.
  2. Work days – We will have one fall work day and one project in the Fall. Most of the jobs are unskilled labor. We need bodies and tools. Job will be posted later. Contact Vaun Wickerham  or Pat McCaffrey for the work list. You can also do work items on your own schedule.
  3. Weeding – the last two years have been excellent for weed growth. This is for weeds in the internal lawn, stoned areas, and paved areas. Do on your own time but Send Pat, Vaun or Jim McMaster a note when you’ll be onsite.
  4. Brush clearing – the back 40 needs clearing out and hauling off. Contact Pat for specific instructions.
  5. Replace the roof on the pool house. This will be a fall project to tear off the old shingles and reroof with new.
  6. Banquet hall setup and tear down – again this is a physical labor type of thing. Contact Pete Reynolds  for opportunities.
  7. Programs for Youth and Veterans – The elks has a multitude of formal programs. If this falls with in your skill set and you can stay within a budget contact our Exalted Ruler, Ryan Nedeff, for opportunities.
  8. Leadership – this is the hard one. We need a few good men and women to take a long term (5 year commitment) to serve in higher Elkdom positions. Often the leaders in the lodge go on to serve in district, state and national positions. The road may be long but it is fulfilling.

Yours in Elkdom
Pat McCaffrey, PER
Your friendly neighborhood state officer



Please contact Denise Heilman or use this form to volunteer your time.





Why Volunteer?

  • Elks Care, Elks Share
  • It’s our lodge – this is how we give back
  • Build the team – volunteering is a great way to get to know your fellow lodge members better
  • Improve community relations – how well we run events tells the community what kind of organization we are
  • Keep up with repairs and maintenance
To volunteer your time, contact the Club Volunteer Coordinator, the Home Association President, or the Exalted Ruler